
Customer Testimonials
We have used Fast Flow Drains 3 times now over the last 10 years. They are prompt, professional and great value for money. I would highly recommend Derek and his team.
Graeme Clarke
Condensing boiler
Derek created a new outflow pipe for my condensing boiler which included constructing a new drain into our main outflow
“Derek's work was outstanding. Timely, efficient, tidy and on budget.”
Verified by Checkatrade
Customer in Windsor
“Great job, very punctual and quick work. Happy to answer my questions. Advised I may need a new liner if it blocks again but no pressure just solid advice. Thanks guys!”
Verified by Checkatrade
Customer in Farnborough
Unblocking sewerage drain.
“Kept informed at all times. Work finished on first day because no more daylight. Returned next day to finish.”
Verified by Checkatrade
Customer in Farnborough
Unblocking of drains from office washing machines.
“Very happy with the work done. The job turned out a lot bigger than was first thought but they stayed on site for the whole afternoon until it was completed. I was kept informed throughout and received a follow up email the next day to check that everything was ok. I would recommend this company and will definitely use them again..”
Verified by Checkatrade
Customer from Bracknell
The girl on the phone was really helpful, I was in a real panic as my drains were backing up into my garden. Thank you you saved the day
Amy Wilson
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